Cardiovascular Risks in Disease: From Muscular Dystrophy to Cancer and COVID-19


  • Yelena Petrovna Faculty of Biological Sciences, Volga Medical Institute, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Author
  • Nikolai Ivanov Department of Clinical Medicine, Volga Medical Institute, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Author



cardio toxicity, dystrophic protein, COVID-19, dystrophinopathy, anthracyclines, hydroxychloroquine, hypercoagulable


Cardiovascular complications are prevalent in a range of medical conditions, affecting morbidity and mortality rates globally. This paper explores the intricate relationships between cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and comorbidities in specific medical conditions, including muscular dystrophy, cancer therapies, and COVID-19. The study outlines the pathophysiological mechanisms that contribute to the development of cardiovascular issues in these diverse diseases, emphasizing shared risk factors, diagnostic challenges, and treatment strategies. Understanding these associations is crucial for improving patient outcomes and developing integrated approaches to manage both primary and secondary disease processes.


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